For all the folks who love my brother, who have seen him recently or not, I am blogging about his moustache. At first I wasn't so sure about it, but, now that it has grown to full potential, and with my uncle Adam's moustache history, I have not only accepted it, but really quite enjoy it. Yes, part of me wishes for the slightly clean cut, relatively every-day brother I used to know, but watching the evolution of Luke (now known as the Loblolly Boy-yes, Google it) is a pleasure that I would not give up in my life. I am very lucky to have such an awesome and interesting brother. I know some find it odd to be fascinated and I hope he is not offended, but I have had enough questions about it that I must speak out. So here are the answers to the many questions:
1) Yes, it is real.
2) No, it is not a disguise.
3) Yes, it is natural.
4) The Kalloch men just happen to grow red facial hair, despite having brown hair on their heads.
5) Yes, He uses moustache wax.
6) No, it isn't necessary, it is just fun.
7) I just want to make this one thing clear: it deserve the eccentric spelling of: moUstache.
So, here are some detailed photos from a curious photographer's point of view. Enjoy, contemplate, and leave comments if you would like.:)
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