Friday, September 5, 2008

the new 90210 vs. old 90210

Well, I didn't want to watch it, but I couldn't help it when it came on as a repeat the other night... and I think I might have to watch it. The fact that they are using some of the aspects of the old show-like Kelly's all grown up sister Erin being part of the new group, Nat still running one of the hangouts, the (Peach) "Pit" still being around, and Kelly being the guidance counselor...makes it slightly more appealing. I thought it was just going to be a bunch of kids trying to be the old "90210" characters
, but I'm seeing some potential here. I'm also surprised, but happy to see Laurie Loughlin (of "Full House" fame) picking up a mother role on the show. If they keep up the great music, the many different types of characters, and the old school tie-ins I think they might have a hit.
PS: Did I seriously hear The Offspring playing during the lacrosse tryout scene?! THAT is a throwback for sure.

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