Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I have found that, mostly, people like me. OR if they don't, they keep their mouths shut because they know their dislike for me is unreasonable. But, every once in a while I run into someone who really doesn't like me...or, worse, someone who doesn't like me, but pretends to like me and talks about me behind my back. This mostly happens at work.
I bring this up because I Was having a great day on Monday when one of my favorite people in the store was talking to me about something and, without meaning to, he mentioned that someone in receiving had said something negative about me. I had been paging overhead a bunch that morning because I had a lot of customer questions I couldn't answer and needed Rick, the former electrical manager, to help me...and, of course, he didn't have a phone on him.:) I try not to page, but sometimes it is unavoidable. Apparently this person in receiving made a crack about how "If I would do my own job instead of trying to do everyone else's then I wouldn't have to page so much." They were immediately given a talking to by the receiving manager, which made me happy, but it still really hurt my feelings that someone could say something like that about me. I'm pretty sure I know who it was and he is a very negative, completely lazy person who will say anything to get attention, but that doesn't matter to me. The fact that someone found the opportunity to say something like that about me is what really hurts.
Needless to say I tried REALLY hard to brush it off, but was unable to keep it from putting me in a slightly bad mood for the rest of the day. I talked to a couple of the women I work with who are much like me and they were very supportive, but it still doesn't keep me from thinking about the negativity. And then I thought of the Daily Quote that was chosen for that day (we have a book of quotes from which a quote is chosen every day by anyone who wants to), which made me laugh and feel much better. It is my new motto:

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."

Honestly, I think that, because I AM so positive all the time, people DO get annoyed and make comments like the one made on Monday...that's how I'm going to look at it. And now I move on...

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