Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Feeling Odd

First off, I'm not writing this so my moms will call and ask me if I'm okay!
Secondly, it's not that I'm not okay, it's just that I'm feeling weird. I'm tired, but not sore, I'm spacey, but not necessarily sleepy. I don't want to do anything, but I'm bored. I want to eat one minute when I don't need to, but I don't want to eat when I'm actually hungry and sometimes I feel nauseas, oh, and I have the WORST heartburn I have had in a long time. I couldn't make myself go to work on Monday and made it in to work, but had to leave on Tuesday (Which is fine because we are just doing inventory and I can't work in my department anyway). I also just really want to cry, at anything!
No, I'm not pregnant! And I'm pretty sure it's not mono because, wouldn't I be more tired (although I have been sleeping 12-18 hours the last few days)? I just don't know what it is?
~~It could be stress...after all these resets and having no people to work in my department, maybe my body just said "AH! That's enough!"
~~Or it could be the massage that I got on Saturday...they say that they release a lot of toxins, right?
~~Or maybe it's just because my body's not used to having so much weight on it...although, being this tired makes it REALLY hard for me to get up and get on the treadmill-even when I have energy I use it all up at work.
I'm just a little freaked out by this because I've never felt like this before. I've been depressed before and it doesn't quite feel the same and I'm not sniffling or having's almost like a really slow, really long panic attack. I guess I'm going to go to the doctor's tomorrow just in case it is mono or something ridiculous.

1 comment:

Janet said...

It sounds like depression to me. I know I feel "odd" when Perry's gone, and I really get off my routine and change my eating habits. I hope it's nothing serious. We love you Lanie!