Friday, April 3, 2009

It's all about the little things...

It's funny how, when having lived with things a certain way for so long, you really appreciate the little things when you can get them back-like my bedside table! We have been sleeping with walls on either side of our bed for the last 2 years and it is such a relief not only to have room to stretch while still on the bed, but to have a bedside table to set my glasses, my book, my glass of water, and (Best of all) a table lamp on! I've been reading with a booklight for 2 years and I LOVE the fact that I can see the whole page again! Granted, my little $20 table from walmart doesn't have a drawer and it looks a bit messy, but it's THERE and I can use it and it's just wonderful!

Silly, I am, but happy too!

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