Sunday, January 25, 2009


So, I'm feeling better. I'm still twitchy-especially my left hand, which makes it hard to type and write, but my attitude is improving and I even made a trip to Robert's parents' house to take a jacuzzi bath, which is something I wouldn't do in one of BEST moods. I'm not sure if it's the anxiety meds or just finally getting rested up or going back to work on Saturday and being met with so much encouragement.

It was actually a pretty amazing feeling to go back and have so many of my co-workers ask me how I am and offer to come over to the department to help me if I needed it. I was really surprised by the people who approached me. I wasn't really surprised by the people who brushed off "anxiety" as something that really wasn't an excuse. My store manager told me I need to get on an exercise program and that will solve my problems.:) I understand the positive effects of exercise and I know i would feel much better if I did it more often-very beneficial in so many ways-but getting myself home from work, fed, and showered doesn't leave much time for working out. I am not making excuses, I know I should find time, but it is hard! And anxiety is REAL, people! I'm not crazy and I'm not weak, I'm just OVERWHELMED! Don't make me feel bad because you can handle it better than me! But, the little bit of negative energy I got was totally turned around when I was standing at the schedule in the back, writing in my 2 new employees (yes, TWO) and explaining Mondays projects to my new zone manager: I finished my explanation and he turned to me and said, "Lane, I'm really going to miss you." It was so nice.

So, yes, I'll be okay.

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