Friday, January 23, 2009

Favorite words...

I have been re-reading my favorite series of books: The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon. And I have admitted, once and for all, that I have fallen in love with the real-life version of Jamie Fraser. I found a few interesting sections in the 4th book that really just show how I feel about Robert and mirror our relationship so well, so I wanted to put them out there for my memory.

From "Drums of Autumn":

"You are my heart and I your compassion. We are neither of us whole, alone."


..."I'm not afraid of any of that," I blurted out. "I'm afraid you'll die, and I can't stand it if you do, Jamie, I really can't!"
He jerked back a little,e surprised, and looked down into my face.
"Well, I'll do my best to oblige ye, Sassenach," he said, "but ye ken I may not have all the say in the matter." His face was serious, but one corner of his mouth curled up irrepressibly. The sight did me in utterly.
"Don't you laugh!" I said furiously. "don't you dare laugh!"
"Oh, I'm not," he assured me, trying to straighten his face.
"You are!" I punched him in the chest. Now he was laughing. I punched him again, harder, and before I knew it, was hammering him in earnest, my fists making small dull thumps against his plaid. He grabbed for my hand, but I ducked my head and bit him on the thumb. He let out a cry and jerked his hand away.
He examined the toothmarks for a moment, then looked at me, one eyebrow raised. The humor lingered in his eyes, but at least he'd stopped laughing, the bastard.
"Sassenach, y've seen me damn near dead a dozen times, and not turned a hair. Whyever are ye takin' on so now, and me not even ill?"
"Never turned a hair?!" I gawked at him in furious amazement. "You think I wasn't upset?!"
He rubbed a knuckle across his upper lip, eyeing me in some amusement.

Ok, so this section is way longer than I thought and way harder to type up when trying to hold a fat book open...maybe I'll get more of it in later. But, even this small section totally shows a moment in our lives.:)

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