We're enjoying the warming weather-70degrees on Easter is an oddity in Maine. We helped mom and Buzz cut down some brambles and rake some leaves and ate some of mom's lovely food.
Robert's arm has finally healed, so we are looking for jobs in MS, AL, an VA in hopes of keeping him close to family and friends. Looks like MS might be promising...we'll just see. I am trying to steel myself against the change that will happen when he leaves for months at a time... trying to see the bright side is easy right now with Spring getting here and work going well and friends close by. So, I'll just keep thinking positive.
We have seen a few houses here and there that we like, but are still looking since we can't buy anything until the end of the year anyway. Gotta save up a down payment on a house... hopefully finding a house and running out on our lease will coincide with each other... once again, positive thinking.:)
Mom took me to see David Gray in Portland last week...it was a great show. LOVE the Merrill Auditorium, but discovered that I'm older than I thought and I have trouble staying up late.:) I guess it's just the way it is when you work and live and enjoy life...who cares if you can stay up late or not, right?
Lots of Babies on the way...none of them mine, but lots of showers and parties happening and I'm enjoying every bit of it. I love having these Life Moments to celebrate with my friends... and I'm HERE for them! I would be so sad if I weren't! Leah's due in a couple of weeks, Jen is due the beginning of June, Emily is due the end of August...It's a world full of babies! Hard to believe that Maggie Lane is all ready 15 months old and little Brady is coming up on a year old in June! We will finally get to meet him when he comes up with his mom and dad for our 10 year high school reunion: another party to have and organize!
See, I'm going to keep busy while Robert's gone.
So, off to watch THE PACIFIC and the many other shows that I love...enjoy time with my honey...and cuddle with my cats.
It's a good life.