Thursday, November 6, 2008

President Elect...and unnecessary responses

I'm not nearly as excited as all those stanch Obama supporters out there-when I talked to my stepmother yesterday she said, "Were you feeling good on Tuesday night?" I had no idea what she was talking about until she asked me if I had heard any of Obama's speech that night.:) My mind is not geared toward the politics.:) BUT I really AM excited to see what happens as each day goes by. I'm excited because the Democrats are in the majority for the first time in a long time. I'm excited because his speech really WAS good and inspiring and pretty honest, in my opinion.

If you missed the speech I found it on You Tube:
Obama's Speech

The only thing that makes me sad about Obama being elected is that Robert and I don't agree on it. I am so very thankful that Robert isn't like the rest of his family and completely stubborn and unwilling to be wrong. But, in the case of politics, he is just like his family: It's white Republicans or nothing. I hate it. His response when I told him that Obama was elected was, "Well, at least that N***** won't last longer than a few weeks. And the Tree Huggers deserve him anyway." Now, this really makes no sense because Robert has friends who are black and they aren't the N word when he talks about them. And I pointed out to him that I, myself, and my father and stepmother and the true definition of Tree Huggers, but he said, "Well, that's different." All I can think is that his family has ingrained this hatred in him so much that he just can't let it go and it has created this conflict of thoughts. I don't know. BUT, when he said these things I was able to step back from it and realize that this is not a battle I need to fight-I believe in my own Truth and he will believe his and creating an unhealthy home environment because of it is not the way to go-POLITICS are not life. I wonder if, because Robert was able to grow up concerning his anger issues because of me, he will ever be able to grow out of his race issues? But that's a whole other conversation, which I intend to write about sometime because I have been having very interesting conversations with my sister in law about the Harris Family Men.

Anyway, I am so excited about what is going to happen next with this new President and I'm looking forward to the changes that will be made with the first Democratic majority in both the Senate and the House and the presidency!

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