Monday, September 1, 2008

Stormy Weather...

Well, it looks like the storm is almost over and we have survived. Our yard is a large puddle, but the cars are not sinking into mud holes and nothing is blowing around the yard like crazy. Robert's parents got some water up under their house, but their house is 17 feet off the ground, so we are pretty sure they will be fine. They DID lose electricity, so they moved 2 blocks up to stay with Kim and Rick for the rest of the storm. We have had some flickering lights, but no loss of electricity yet, thank Goodness. I Wouldn't mind so much except that it's still pretty humid outside. Robert got some great photos down by the beach and driving around this morning before the bad rain hit.I always thought that it wouldn't be a big deal if a hurricane hit because we don't own any property down here, but in experiencing it first hand I realized that there is a lot more to it. I had to help bring EVERYTHING inside at Lowe's PLUS deal with selling HUNDREDS of generators and more than 1000 gas cans, plus all the other supplies that everyone needed (I guess Lowe's is not the place to work at if you don't want to deal with a hurricane Rush). Gas stations were out of gas before the weekend started! Then, if the storm had actually headed our way we would have had to help everyone else board up their houses and then run North...however far we felt we needed to go. And if the storm HAD hit we would have been without electricity for who knows HOW long! Even if our house wasn't damaged it would have been horrible without A/C, gas, water...In reality I am happy to have experienced this whole thing because it made me realize how scary it can be to live here in the South. I'm not saying it is the only deciding factor in where we might go in our lives, but it has given me a new perspective to think on.

1 comment:

Janet said...

My LA friends used to tell me I was crazy to live in Hurricane Alley. This from a city where earthquakes are a way of life (and there's no Jim Cantori to tell you that one is coming), fires threaten homes every year, etc. So every region has pros and cons.